Type: Corporate branding / for: ENTR (DW) / commissioned by: feedmee / Date: May 2021

Young, bold, European. ENTR connects people with different backgrounds and visions across Europe. It’s a digital space for an open and authentic discussion about Europe's shared present and future. Ultimately, the goal is to create a greater awareness about European visions and realities and to foster greater engagement among Europeans towards shared values and ideas that subsequently contribute to a more active European civil society. The project creates daily visually rich multimedia content in six European languages which are distributed and published on a broad range of digital platforms.

Commissioned by feedmee I developed an extensive branding concept for the ENTR design pitch. The idea was to visually bring together Europe's different countries, languages and perspectives under one roof. Derived from the national flags we established a loud color palette, introduced a striking font and created a playful perspective-changing logo-, design- and animation-system. Our concept was convincing and we won the pitch. Subsequently I further elaborated the concept and designed a flexible, responsive and easy to use toolkit which both is highly customizable and offers a strong, recognizable branding. Finally the guys at feedmee brought it all to life :)

Be sure to check out the final result and ENTR what's next!

Idea & concept
My role
  • Visual concept, logo, design and motion principles (styleframes, animatics, etc.)
  • commissioned by: feedmee
  • for: ENTR (DW)
  • Art direction @feedmee: Anton Riedel
  • 23rd International Eyes & Ears Awards 2021, Silver for BEST NEW DESIGN PACKAGE OF A CHANNEL OR PLATFORM