How fake is your love?

Type: Program branding design / for: ProSieben / commissioned by: Seven.One Entertainment Group / Date: September 2021

Different couples come together in a finca in Mallorca to prove which relationship is the best. They compete to be crowned the perfect couple. But not all couples are real - there are also liars among them. They just pretend to be lovers to get the prize cash… How fake is your love?

Commissioned by Seven.One Creation I developed the branding design for the this new ProSieben reality show and produced the motion packaging.

Some loops
Packaging design
My role
  • Concept, Design, Logo, 2d/3d-Animation, Compositing, Edit, Grading, etc.
  • commissioned by: Seven.One Entertainment Group
  • for: ProSieben
  • Sound design @Seven.One Creation: Paul Taylor
  • Art direction @Seven.One Creation: Steven König & Alex Krause
  • Producer @Seven.One Creation: Gesa Malin Gemba
  • 24rd International Eyes & Ears Awards 2022, Gold for BEST ONLINE ADVERTISING
  • Promax Awards 2022 Global Excellence: Gold in Best Online Advertising: Banners/Skyscrapers/ Contextual.